2010年1月3日 星期日

背景服務程式搜尋 pdsched.exe

最近打開用alt+ctrl+del鍵呼叫呼出windows 工作管理員發現有幾個可疑的程式,所以我就上網查詢了一下,順便跟大家報一下



進程文件: pdsched或者pdsched.exe
進程名稱: PerfectDisk Scheduler

pdsched.exe是Raxco PerfectDisk磁盤碎片整理計劃任務程序。 注意:pdsched.exe也可能是SDBOT.CN蠕蟲病毒。
出品者: Raxco
屬於: Raxco PerfectDisk


Process name: PDSched Module

Product: PDSched Module

Company: Raxco Software, Inc (www.raxco.com)

File: PDSched.exe

If you want a detailed security rating about your PDSched.exe (and all other running background processes) download the free trial version of Security Task Manager.


The process PDSched Module belongs to the software PerfectDisk or PDSched Module or PDSched.exe orPDScheduler by Raxco Software, Inc (www.raxco.com).
Description: File PDSched.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\Program Files" (typically C:\Program Files\Raxco\PerfectDisk\). Known file sizes on Windows XP are 241,731 bytes (74% of all occurrence), 237,635 bytes, 200,771 bytes, 168,003 bytes.
The program is not visible. It is not a Windows system file. The application can be uninstalled in the Control Panel. Therefore the technical security rating is 28% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.
